Apply For A Sidewalk/Curb Grant
The Village of Ashville Mayor has a program to promote sidewalks and curbs in the community. The Sidewalk/Curb Assistance Program's purpose is to provide a safe areas for pedestrian use. Without a sidewalk people would have to use the front yard of a home or the streets. Seed money was established to encourage sidewalks. This program has been extended to include curbs. A resident can apply for up to $500 (sidewalk/crub) or $1000 (sidewalks/curbs). The $1,000 is intended for locations with two front yards (corner lots). The grant forms are available at 200 East Station Street or online below.
The requirements for size/location (planning & zoning ordinance), and construction (Columbus Building Standards) of a sidewalk or curb can be found under "Village Departments" the dropdown is "Planning & Zoning/Building" or clicking on the sidewalk image to the right.